iPhone Cookbook - Coding recipes for iPhone Developers

Code examples for doing simple and interesting things on the iPhone and iPod touch.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Just being random.

Generating random numbers is easy. If you want random numbers that are new each time use:

to set a start and range:
#define RANDOM_START 10
#define RANDOM_RANGE 20
#define randomNumber() ((arc4random() % RANDOM_RANGE) + RANDOM_START)

this will give random numbers from 10 through 29. 20 numbers starting at 10.


#define randomNumber(s, r) (arc4random() % (r) +(s))

Note that a range of 5 will give 5 numbers, not 0 - 5 but 0 - 4

Good Vibrations

Add vibration with this easy 'C' call:


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

exit by animation

In games for the iPhone, processing level to level can be tricky

Here is a way to leave the level - in this case a bonus level.

The playing screen - attached to a UIView called: backgroundView is faded and then removed.

This is nice because the fading looks good, its OS supported and releases managed views automatically.

// called by the animation thread when animation is finished

- (void)bonusExitFinished:(NSString *)animationID finished:(BOOL)finished context:(void *)context


NSLog(@"Bonus Exit Finished");

// the subviews are all released automatically when backgroundView removes itself

[backgroundView removeFromSuperview];

// use a delegate to tell the owner that this round is finished

[delegate roundFinished];


// call this at the end of the level: [self exitBonus];

// backgroundView is the UIView that contains all of the subviews

- (void) exitBonus


NSLog(@"Bonus Exit");

//pause / slowly fade the screen

[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];

[UIView setAnimationDuration: 1.8f];

[backgroundView setAlpha: 0.0f];

[UIView setAnimationDelegate: self];

[UIView setAnimationDidStopSelector: @selector(bonusExitFinished:finished:context:)];

[UIView commitAnimations];

